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5 Best Birthday Party Games For Adults For Super Fun Celebration



If you’re planning to host a birthday party for a friend, for your family, your loved one, or even yourself, you’re at the right place! Incorporating games into the day can add excitement and fun, and it’s a great way to elevate the celebration to new heights. We’ve pull together a list of best birthday party games for adults to help you plan a unique, fun birthday celebration with laughter and camaraderie.

5 fun birthday party games for adults:

Post It Note Game

Talking about fun birthday party games for adults with little fuss and preparation, we can’t forget to mention the Post It Note game. All you need to prepare is a stack of sticky notes and some pens. Start by writing the names of any famous celebrities, public figures or fictional characters on each note, then pass them around until every person has one. Then, without looking at the note, everyone needs to stick their note on the forehead.

Everyone should be sitting in a circle and taking turns asking yes or no questions to identify the figure or character written in the note. The game ends when everyone has successfully guessed their own identity.

Most Likely To

This party game works wonderfully for close friend groups or family members. You’ll need to brainstorm a lot of “Most Likely To questions” ahead and during the game – check some examples of “Most Likely To” questions here for inspiration. One person can start by suggesting a scenario, e.g. “Who is the most likely to sneak out at night?”, then count down from three and have everyone point at the one they believe would be most likely to do said act.

The one that has the most fingers pointed at them can be out, and the game can end till the last one survives. But you can also skip the eliminations to keep the game as long as possible and you can have a great time getting to know more about your close friends and loved ones.

Heads Up!

This game requires The Heads Up! app which can be downloaded from App Store or Google Play. One person will hold a phone to their forehead, facing out. Everyone else will try to act out or describe whatever appears on the screen so that the person with the phone can try to guess. There is only one minute to make as many guesses as possible, then the phones goes to the next person until everyone has their turns and we find the winner who has the most correct guesses. This is an extremely entertaining, engaging birthday party games for adults, and the topic for guessing is wide, with categories including celebrities, animals, TV shows, movies, and so on.


The list of most epic birthday party games for adults can’t be complete without Thumper. In this game, everyone sits or stands in a circle. Each person should choose a hand signal or gesture (it can be a leg motion, too!) as they like and then go around the circle to have everyone present their motion. This should be a simple motion or movement that is easy to replicate.

Have everyone start clapping or stomping at a steady rhythm, and pick one person to start. The first chosen person will do their motion first, followed by the signal of another participant. This process continues around the circle. When a person’s turn comes, they have the option to change the direction of the rhythm by performing their motion and saying “Thumper” instead of choosing another participant. This signifies a change in the direction of play.

If someone makes a mistake, hesitates, or fails to perform their movement correctly, that person must take a penalty, such as telling a joke or performing a silly dance. The game continues until the group decides to end the activity.

Camera Hot Potato

Birthday party games for adults can be even more memorable if fun photos are captured. This Camera Hot Potato game only needs a phone to pass around the group. Set the self-timer mode to 10 seconds and pass it around with each person holding the phone up for a moment or less, posing for the camera with their coolest or funniest expressions. Stop when the photo is taken, then repeat until the whole group is burst with too much laughter and you can all look at the (100% undignified) photos together.

Source: The Family Dinner Project


Now you can see that a birthday is not only about cake and decorations – adding entertaining, engaging birthday party games for adults ensures creating lasting memories and filling your party with laughter and fun. And because these games have flexible rules and little to no supplies, you can keep them casual and make them work for any event, not just your birthday. And if you need more party ideas and tips for event organising, head to Pickanevent, our favourite source when it comes to events!
