5 Ways to Reduce Your Screen Time

Screen time is something we cannot remove any more. The reason is that activities are being made online now for more convenience. And there are many apps we can use for various activities, whether for leisure or relaxation.
However, given that screen time is part of our daily lives, how can we decrease it? Now, we’ll be providing you with some helpful tips on ways to reduce your screen time. Here there are:
Set Goals
We can start by setting specific goals for yourself so you can limit your screen time. Think about how many hours you want to use your phone or TV each day. For example, if your screen time is mainly for scrolling through your Facebook or TikTok feeds, set how many hours you intend to minimize its use.
Or if watching Netflix consumes too much of your time, you can set it to have 1 or 2 episodes per day. Remember to establish realistic goals that will provide you with enough.
Use Screen Time Tracking Apps
Fortunately, for Apple users, there is a built-in screen time tracking with it. It notifies you of the screen time on your phone and how it compares to previous days. It also has real-time data on how you consume it for social creativity, entertainment, etc.
Nonetheless, if you’re not an Apple user, then there are apps available that can help you monitor your screen time. These are very helpful in providing insights about your spending on the apps and websites that you use.
Consider Screen-Free Activities
Of course, we all know that prioritizing screen-free activities is a given way to reduce your screen time. Think about other activities besides using your phones, such as exercising, painting, walking, the beach, and many more. You can do many screen-free activities that can be entertaining and provide you with better habits aside from being on your screen the whole day.
Practice Digital Mindfulness
Next is to be mindful of how and why you use screen time. Are you using screens out of habit, or are there other options? Alternatively, consider maximizing your screen time usage to reduce its use by going with all-in-one apps and websites like https://www.onlinecasinoreviews.ph/ that will serve as a one-stop-shop for what you need from the internet.
Set Screen-Free Zones
The last of our ways to reduce your screen time is by setting screen-free zones. You can select specific areas where you are not allowed to use screens. Setting screen-free zones can help create a physical separation between you and your screens, so you won’t be tempted to use them if you are in that area.
For example, you can set the kitchen and dining area as screen-free zones so when you are there, you have to leave your phone in your bedroom. You might not notice it, but eventually, you’ll get accustomed to not using screens in that area, leading to reduced screen time.
Wrapping Up
As mentioned, we cannot remove screen time from our lives anymore. However, there are ways to lessen them. We’ve provided you with the best ways to reduce your screen time, which we hope will benefit you, from setting goals to using screen time tracking apps. You should also practice digital mindfulness and prioritize screen-free activities to reduce screen time effectively.