Buying A Lawn Mower In Nairobi – Market Guide

A lawn mower is an equipment for shaping grass to a desired level or cutting grass.
This article examines the various considerations one must consider before purchasing this device. This machine is handy for domestic use and can be used in larger field spaces.
Inventions add value to our lives by providing tailor-made solutions to our everyday problems. A machine solves inefficiency, time-wasting, and high operational costs.
Let us look at some of the issues prospective clients of lawnmowers must address before making that big decision to purchase.
Field Size and Type
This is the most important as it will determine the type of device to acquire. For smaller fields like compounds, a push mower will be your best bet; for large tracts of land, you should consider a riding mower or one mounted on a tractor to increase efficiency and save on operational costs in the long run.
The field type includes factors such as whether the field has trees and other vegetation you would not like to cut, like flowers. In this case, you need to buy a zero-turn radius mower. This will ensure selective cutting to avoid interfering with other vegetation you would like not to be interfered with.
Power supply
Lawn mowers come in two types, electric and gas. Electric ones are used only for a specific amount of time; they are rechargeable, which is a good thing. So, they are charged whenever the energy is depleted. On the other hand, gas counterparts work as long as they have gas; they are more reliable and valuable in hilly or larger acre fields.
The only disadvantage of gas types is they make a lot of noise, while electric ones are quiet. So, depending on your requirements, what to settle on is solely up to you. Also, their prices do not have that much big difference.
The land’s topography determines fuel consumption, efficiency, and time consumed. For hilly terrains, a gas mower would be your best option because they have more power output; flat surfaces are best suited to electric mowers to avoid time wastage and maintain the quality of the machine.
Specifications of the machine
Electric mowers have unique additional features for increased efficiency compared to gas mowers. For a start, gas mowers are started by pulling a rope. This might be tedious because it requires effort, and you might need to pull the rope several times before it starts. On the other hand, electric ones started and stopped by pushing a button.
In addition, they also got the stop without restarting feature to allow you to unload grass collected in the bag and fit the bag back in without having to restart the machine. This feature determines the lawn mower price in Kenya
Now to the factor determining whether you are going home with the machine.
The price depends on the features, size, and type. The better the features and size, the higher the price. Automatically electric mowers cost relatively higher than gas mowers.
This article has looked at some factors to aid you in making that purchase decision. Hence it is a great place to refer to.