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FFXIV Best Raiding Tips Newer hits like Final Fantasy XIV



Raids have been an MMO staple ever since WoW took the spotlight 20 years ago. Newer hits like Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn continue to build upon that concept, making things more convenient for players to set a pace of their own. 

What FFXIV does better than similar titles, however, is how unobtrusive yet rewarding raiding is in that game. Players can spend hundreds of hours enjoying the world without subjecting themselves to much scrutiny, and don’t feel like missing anything. Still, those who enjoy min-maxing their builds and pledge to master FFXIV’s deep systems will surely form a raiding party before long. 

These are our tips for approaching FFXIV raids the right way!

FFXIV Raids: Going In Prepared

While far from the best place to earn FFXIV Gil, raids offer a specific type of satisfaction: a juicy reward at the end of an arduous, multileveled gauntlet! Of course, not all raids require week-long preparation, and you’ll get high ilvl items either way. If you don’t have that much time for gaming, buying cheap FFXIV Gil at U7BUY is also a good choice

But, all raids are a test of skill, and some of them dip into the extreme. To end up the victor, it’s essential to walk in with the right mindset:

Know Your Role Within the Group

Raids in FFXIV can be tackled in teams of either eight or 24 players, and those aren’t randomly set numbers. On the contrary, every inch of a raid is carefully calculated to keep every player at the edge of their set. The Enrage mechanic easily keeps things peeping hot at all times, and if you’re moving too slowly, the game will cook up a way to end the run for you.

That’s why raiding demands that each team member has already embedded their Job’s main rotation within their muscle memory. Players shouldn’t have to wonder how to effectively manage cooldowns – they should enter a raid with total command over their combos!

Take Your Time Studying the Bosses 

Raids are grueling tests that will try to crush the entire party’s spirit; one defeat at a time. The impressive bosses waiting at the end of a raid are usually the ones doing the “crushing”. The game is rigged that way (just as any other action MMORPG, for that matter), so it’s important to keep your expectations in check. The boss will dominate the first handful of tries, but no one should get discouraged as a result. 

Keeping a clear head and observing which AOE attack comes from which angle and at what point is the key to victory. Even if those baddies shuffle through a great number of ultra-dangerous attack patterns, there’s always a fair path to down them.

Derive Effective Team Strategies

Among the high stakes of a Savage or Ultimate raid, players would do wise to take care of each other. For example, the damage dealers shouldn’t limit their contributors solely to squaring up with enemies. Their skills make that approach quite tantalizing, but it’s one of the easiest mistakes to make during a raid. 

Raids allow no room for the “hero complex” – each member is equally important, and that can not be overstated. If the tank fails to draw agro away from the healers, there will be no one to stitch up the team after a mere five minutes.

Therefore, players should work closely, deriving ways to stack up their buffs as much and as often as possible. Of course, only practice makes perfect, and discovering the best course of action for the various dire situations you will face in a raid, will take some dedication. Rest assured, every FFXIV raid can be beaten flawlessly! 

Want to quickly equip yourself with the flashiest Glamour before heading into a raid? Find here all the way to do so! Remember to buy FFXIV Gil at U7BUY. Prepare to delve into the fantastical realms of Eorzea with a wealth of Gil FFXIV from U7BUY.
